Wellington Access Radio is governed by the Wellington Access Broadcasting Society Incorporated (WABSI).​ Every radio programme nominates at least two people to be part of WABSI, and friends of the station can also join.

​Society membership costs $10 per person per year, with membership fees due on July 1st annually.

The bank account is:
Wellington Access Radio Inc
03 1537 0008197 00


The WABSI Board is comprised of committed volunteers who convene bi-monthly to provide essential financial and governance support to Wellington Access Radio. Board officeholders are elected annually at the annual general meeting. All members are welcome to attend the Board meetings.

For those interested in the Board Meeting Minutes, the Long-term Plan 2024-2027, or the WABSI Rules, please reach out to the Board Chair via email to request copies.

WABSI Board 2024 – 2025

​Chair: John Saunders (Email: chairwgtnaccessradio@gmail.com)
Deputy Chair: Dorai Gounder
Treasurer: ​Julie Lamb
General Board: Fa’anu’u Anitere’a, Simon Howard, Kimi David, Francesca Pouwer, Terry Shore, Elisapeci Samanunu Waqanivala MRSNZ, Andrew Ngovi

WABSI Life Members

Roy Grimwood, Bala Thompson, John Saunders, Don Carson, Dorai Gounder, Fa’anu’u Anitere’a and Pat Lockhart.