Tune in to Thomas Bryan as he explores the diversity of disability issues, with co-host Mike Gourley.

No Labels is a programme about your community with a focus on accessibility for all.

The show looks at services which might assist you, and highlights topics and challenges that might pose barriers for older people, or those living with or experiencing disability.

In each programme we interview someone from the community whose role, paid or voluntary, provides topical and current information relating to our community.

Each show has a disability/accessibility focus and the issues this might pose for our community.

Guests share about their role in the community, a little about themselves and their favourite music.

Tune in every week, Tuesdays, at 1pm.

If you want to get in touch with Thomas, send him an email – thomas.s.bryan@gmail.com

This show is sponsored by the Wellington City Council.


July 16th:

Guests: Erica Butters and Neville Pugh from Volition 

Volition works to build the decision-making capability of disabled people and their supporters through education, smart and simple resources, and the Volition app – an accessible multi-media app that empowers disabled people to collaborate with their supporters and direct their own decisions, services and lives.

Erika is the Founder and Chief Executive of Volition. Erika used to work as the Director of The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust, a not for profit that champions disability rights in Aotearoa New Zealand. She is a subject matter expert and educator on Supported Decision Making. She has travelled to Japan as a disability sector ‘core leader’ and to Washington DC for the Global Leadership exchange on SDM.

Neville Pugh is the Chief Advisor for Volition. He is an Entrepreneur and a co-Founder of Change Maker Beer. He is a recipient of the Frances Clark Memorial Award from the Governor General, and the Entrepreneur Attitude Award. He is a member of the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association and People First.

ID: Left image: Headshot of Erika Butters. Erika has brown hair with a fringe, brown eyes and is smiling.

Right image: Head and shoulders shot of Neville. Neville has short brown hair and wears apricot coloured t-shirt.