Kia Ora!
The number of Hong Kong Chinese in New Zealand has risen rapidly over the last decade. Between political instability back in Hong Kong, and many choosing to settle down and start families in Aotearoa, this number is set to increase significantly in the coming years.
Cantonese is our mother tongue in Hong Kong, but it is also one of the most widely-spoken Chinese languages among New Zealand Chinese communities — going all the way back to the Otago gold rush.
The founding of a Cantonese channel will not only help foster greater visibility and representation for Chinese New Zealander’s takes on current affairs, but also help connect us to each other, and with Aotearoa. Hong Kong has an interesting history, and a unique culture; this podcast should help to bring greater exposure to these as well.
Each episode will center around a particular theme, drawn from our daily lives and the cultural diversity of New Zealand. We hope that our program will be entertaining, informative, and thought-provoking. Please visit our Facebook page and Instagram to share with us your comments and thoughts. Thank you!

廣東話係我地香港人嘅母語,佢同時係紐西蘭華人社區入邊最廣泛使用嘅語言之一,最早一批使用廣告話嘅華人可以追溯至1860 年代移民去南島Otago 淘金嘅廣東人 。我哋希望透過呢個廣東話頻道,可以匯聚一班志同道合嘅人,係呢一個國度,承傳香港嘅語言同文化。
我哋每一集都會圍繞着香港人喺紐西蘭嘅生活點滴做廣播 ,歡迎各位聽眾去到我哋嘅Facebook/Instagram留言,俾多啲意見我哋!多謝!👍😊


NZ Kong Yeah! airs 2-3pm on Mondays.