Economics seems like a boring, difficult topic. But money is such a powerful force in our world and as living costs increase, it feels like the straight jacket keeps getting tighter. The most important things keep falling off the priority list – like making sure humanity survives climate change! Sometimes it feels hopeless, like we should just give up and watch Netflix.

But science communicator Loo Connor still has hope. She thinks our economic system is causing climate change and is on a mission to find and connect people across Aotearoa who are working hard to change it in big and small ways.

Tune into The Good Energy Project with Loo every second Sunday from 7-8pm for inspiring, hopeful conversations that demystify the role economics plays in our lives and the future of our planet. Starting this Sunday the 14th of May. The show is also available as a podcast at:

Every second Sunday 7:00-8:00pm

Image description: A head and shoulders photograph of Loo sitting in beach grass with a white fence behind her. Loo has short brown curly hair and is wearing a red jersey. She is resting her chin on her hands and is smiling.