Image: Brigid O’Flaherty makes a tasty treat in her kitchen


There’s a delicious new project underway at Wellington Access Radio – a recipe book that celebrates the incredible diversity of the station’s programme–makers, staff, and local communities.

The book would showcase not only the amazing meals, but the stories, cultures and passions of the people that make up Wellington Access Radio.

There are over 200 programme-makers, making over 80 programmes, in over 20 different languages here at the station. By compiling a collection of recipes and stories from different backgrounds, we have an opportunity to celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our community. Whether it’s a traditional family dish passed down through generations, a favourite comfort food that brings solace during difficult times, or a recipe that reflects personal values and beliefs, each contribution will tell a meaningful story.

The project is led by former Milk Crate café owner Brigid O’Flaherty, who now works for Wellington Access Radio as the Community Outreach and Programming Lead.

‘Food has a unique ability to transcend cultural boundaries and bring people together,’ says Brigid. ‘This initiative aligns perfectly with our station’s commitment to promoting inclusivity, understanding and community spirit. It is an opportunity to come together, celebrate our differences and strengthen our bonds. And eat some delicious food while we’re at it!’

Beautifully illustrated by local artist Pinky Johnston, the book will be available to buy online and will have an official launch at the end of the year.

All money raised from the recipe book will go towards the upkeep of studio equipment for Wellington Access Radio’s programme-makers.

For more information email or fill in the form here: